Get your products noticed with out point of sale advertising solutions.
Support your marketing campaigns with our competitively priced point of sate materials. Your products need to be notices especially at the entrance, exit and the checkout otherwise you may loose potential sales. How many of your customers have left your premises needing or wanting something and not knowing you have it?
Pull Up Banners are a great way of attracting attention. Whether you are in a shop office or show these easy to assemble roll up banners take seconds to fit and once finished with roll up into it's self keeping the print clean and protected. For extra convenience pull up banners come with a carry bag that makes transport easier.
Free Standing Banners
As an alternative to Roll Up Banners these provide a great alternative at a reduced cost. Frame is easily assembled by one person and the effect is eye catching and effective. Then are not advisable for external use because of its light weight but in certain situations these provide the most effective and economical solution.
We Offer 3 Options that will suite most situations. We supply lightweight aluminium a boards in sizes 50 x 70 cm. or 70 x 100 cm. These are weather resistant but if used outside will need weighing down.
We also manufacture A-Boards in Heavy Steel. These are perfect for long term outside use as they are fully welded and painted to protect them from the environment. These can be made to any size you need as we custom build them to your specifications.
Budget Wooden Boards. We make simple wooden boards with a PVC print on them for those who want something cheaper or are concerned about them being lost. We make these out of 15mm wood which is resistant to the weather with a UV resistant PVC print on both sides
in mm
Our Xerox press allows us to print on a wide range of paper stock at competitive prices and our Wide Format Printer can create posters suitable for external use even without lamination